What is Preparedness Peace?
This course will move you from KNOWING you need to be prepared to actually BEING prepared. This is what makes Preparedness Peace different from reading a book or attending a conference.
The unique value of this course is that it focuses on relationship with Jesus, prayer and pursuing preparedness in the context of community. We present strategies and tools balanced with Scripture and prayer so that you build according to the Lord's plans and purposes for your family.
Preparedness Peace is perfect for life groups, friends, Sunday school, church groups, and neighborhoods. This is about preparing not just for your family, but with others in mind as well, so you will be ready and equipped to share the love of God in times of crisis.
The unique value of this course is that it focuses on relationship with Jesus, prayer and pursuing preparedness in the context of community. We present strategies and tools balanced with Scripture and prayer so that you build according to the Lord's plans and purposes for your family.
Preparedness Peace is perfect for life groups, friends, Sunday school, church groups, and neighborhoods. This is about preparing not just for your family, but with others in mind as well, so you will be ready and equipped to share the love of God in times of crisis.
Preparedness peace is divided into six easy-to-follow sessions
Session ONEWhy Me? Why Prepare?
Have you watched the news lately? Do you know anyone who has personally experienced disaster in recent months? It is prudent and brilliant to establish your family's preparedness now. In every disaster scenario- whether personal or national–there are benefits for having response plans that your whole family understands and has practiced. There is a peace that comes in being prepared. This course uses a step-by-step process to establish a basic and very thorough foundation of preparedness that you can build on as far as you wish to go. |
Want to know if you are ready for a power outage? Turn off the power and find out. Electricity–or the lack thereof–is not a hard thing to plan for if you understand how much you rely on it. There are many things to consider and plan for in the event of no power: alternative methods of lighting, heating, cooling, cooking, preserving food in the refrigerator and freezer, communication, and entertainment. Fire safety becomes key in this situation. You will develop strategies to train kids and keep people safe in the proper use and safety of all methods you choose to employ. |
SESSION FIVESafe Home & Grab and Go Bags
Your home is only as safe and strong as your weakest link. Learn to assess your home's capacity, threat, and vulnerability. Determine your capacity- the number of people you can sustain and care for in times of crisis. Establish supplies and plans necessary to take shelter in your home in the event of a chemical or biological threat, assemble Grab and Go Bags and create evacuation plans so that your family could leave in minutes if a voluntary or forced evacuation occurs. It is a serious decision to evacuate your home. Well laid plans are necessary to establish a safe home and to execute a safe evacuation. |
SESSION SIXHome Security
Security is NOT a closet full of guns and ammunition nor is it a pantry full of food. Relying on one element of preparation alone will never give you security. Many people, when truly contemplating the things that could happen in crisis, wrestle with anxiety, doubt, and fear. True security and peace come only from the Lord and cannot be taken away. Adding a solid, well-rounded plan that includes good communication, planned strategies and lines of defense, locked doors, appearance of security, evacuation plans, and training will give confidence and security to individuals and teams. |